York River State Park--The Wetlands |
An excellent night's observing at York River State Park near
Williamsburg. Six of us took advantage of the weather and set up 'scopes
near the visitors center. Joining us were new members Lori and Steve
who brought their excellent 4.4" table-top Newtonian to be checked out
and to experience their own "first light" with it. In addition Carl, a
young Ameri-Corps volunteer working at the park, made an invaluable
contribution to the proceedings by hanging a cover over an intrusi
ve nearby light.
My 10" Dob and observing set-up |
It really WAS a beautiful night--something we all needed after the past
month of wet and murky weather--and all hands bent to their respective
eyepieces with enthusiasm! I found myself hunting galaxies and
globulars--M104 and M13 were truly spectacular through my 10" Dob
(pictured), though at one point I went off on a double star tangent with
v Draconis and Alcor/Mizar and Albireo!
Steve and Lori with their new "Newt" |
With moonrise the party
broke up, and it was a group of happy astronomers who bade each other
goodbye and set off to make their separate ways home. I learned an
important lesson at this point about leaving car windows open whilst
observing, and drove home with all my windows down so the cool midnight
air could flush the hundreds of tiny (thankfully non-biting) insects
that had colonized my vehicle while I enjoyed the skies!
Waiting for the night... |
to all who came to join us last night at YRSP; and special thanks to
Bill who arranged this rather impromptu star party with the Park
rangers, Carl who turned oppressive light into blessed darkness with a
carefully-placed trash bag, and of course the good folks at York River
State Park and Virginia State Parks who support our stargazing
activities with enthusiasm!
"I would rather freeze and fight off mosquitoes than play astronomy on a computer"--Ben Funk, Jr.
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